Blockchain and Tokenisation, which solutions?

Paid Internship

Context & objectives

Blockchain technology, often associated with Bitcoin, has now gone well beyond this cryptocurrency. It is a decentralized, distributed and secure registry solution, facilitating the creation of a P2P exchange ecosystem. Some believe that its potential is equivalent to that of the Internet in terms of impacts.

The creation of the Ethereum public blockchain made possible the programming of applications (Smart Contracts) that can offer various services and issue Token or cryptoactives. These Tokens pave the way for a new web, the decentralized web, and that of a new economic era: that of the tokenization of the assets of the physical world.

Our start-up, K2LIS, articulates its activity around blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency. We want to be able to experiment and develop decentralized applications manipulating cyrpotactives.

The goal of this internship is to participate in various experiments, ensure a technological watch and participate in the development of prototypes or projects.


With the help of a supervisor, the trainee will conduct the following tasks:

  • Increasing skills on the different paradigms related to the Blockchain
  • Write a scoping note describing the understanding of the subject, the milestones of the internship and the various deliverables to be made
  • Making a benchmark of new market solutions
  • Participate in the design and development of prototypes
  • Perform experiments on K2LIS dedicated infrastructure
  • Present feedback to international Blockchain experts, partners of K2LIS

Your Profile

You are a “Blockchain-enthusiast” and “crypto-enthusiast”, you understand the technologies and issues related to the blockchain ecosystem, you have the entrepreneurial spirit and want to support the growth of a start-up connected to the international community of passionates about this subject ? Don’t hesitate and join us!

Degree: At least Bac + 3

Desired skills

  • Programming languages: Go, Javascript, Solidity
  • Frame of construction and test: Truffle, Webpack, React


  • Duration: 4 to 7 months
  • Location: SESAME’s Business Incubator, Elgazala Technological Park, Ariana 2088, Tunisia
  • Paid internship